A Blog about Finding Inspiration

"We have a wonderful world to be inspired by and each new day is like an adventure into the unknown, where things that require a second glance can be captured in time on a canvas for anyone to enjoy forever." (Louise Corke)

Friday, August 27, 2010

Duh! There is a reason it is called an art business 8 '10

It' been a long week... filled with lots of tedious business activities.

My business plan calls for my spending one day a month updating my website  with photos of the newest paintings.  But I was on a roll and let it slide for nearly three months... FIRST MISTAKE.  By the time I got around to it  there was so much work to do that I decided to use my outdated but familiar Frontpage Publisher software.... SECOND BIG MISTAKE.   There's a reason that MS replaced Frontpage with Sharepoint.  Frontpage is so full of bugs that I wound up redoing each page  multiple times.  What should have been a two day effort took three and a half.  Next time I will stick to the plan with monthly updates and take the time to learn Sharepoint... It will be faster in the long
Then it took me another day and a half to update all my business records ( Inventory, quickbook accounting, mileage reports, state quarterly tax filings, etc.)  Ugh... It is SO BORING .. but necessary if I want to run this as a business.   DUH!  There's a reason it's called a art business.

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